Patti Vaithiyam

தலை வலி பாட்டி வைத்தியம் - Top 10

Calcium Deficiency - Home Remedy to improve calcium deficiency

Cinnamon(Pattai) - Best 2 Home Remedies for Cold and Sore throat

Infants Cold Home Remedy - Instant Relief with betel leaf

Infants Cold Home Remedy - Betel leaf Syrup (Vetrilai Kashayam) | Stomach Upset

Siddha Medicine (Pain Balm) DIY for Headache | Immediate relief for head ache, migraine | Thymol, menthol and camphor

Home Remedies to treat irregular Periods

Headache / Migraine Home Remedy with Ginger , Garlic and Pepper | Easy Remedy that works to cure head ache

Kollu(Horse gram) for Weight Reduction | Health Benefits of Horsegram soup

Sweet flag Root - Benefits for Babies | Vasambu | Pillai Valarpan | Acorus Calamus

Sukku - Dry Ginger Health Benefits

Homemade Tooth Powder - with Dry Ginger, black pepper and long pepper

3 methods to make Home made Tooth powder - Cure tooth decay and gum problems

Cure decayed teeth and Gum problems with kadukkai, vilvam and Himalayan salt

Milagu Thulasi Kashayam for cold and cough

Milagu Kashayam for Cold and Cough

Vetrilai (Betel Leaves) Kashayam for cold and cough

Thoothuvalai Kashayam for cold and cough - Paati Vaithiyam

Milagu Kashayam for cold | Black Pepper Corn Brew to cure common cold

Home remedies to treat cold, cough, dry cough, head ache, blocked nose, sore throat

Simple Home Remedies to prevent grey hair - Patti Vaithiyam

Benefits of Dry Ginger (Sukku)

Hair Oil - Traditional way with Tamil Herbs - Paati Vaithiyam for Hair

Home remedy for Cold and Cough - with Herbs

Natural Remedies for Hyper Tension (High Blood Pressure)

10 Simple Home remedies for knee pain

Home remedy - cold and cough - babies upto 2

Home Remedies for cold and cough

Home Remedy for headache

Murungai Kai, Murungai Illai - Health and Medicinal values

Ginger Home Remedies | Health Benefits of Ginger

Easy Remedies for Sunburn | Natural Treatment for quick relief

Body Heat - Natural Remedy

Home Remedies for Arthritis and Rheumatism

Remedy for Diabetes

Constipation Home Remedies

Easy Home remedy for Cold

Diarrhea or Dysentery

Indigestion - Home Remedy

Remedy for Gastritis

Improve Breast Milk for lactating Mothers

Stomach ache due to body heat | Simple remedy to try at home with betel leaf | Stomach pain in summer

Indigestion for babies

Prevent Wrinkles on Face

Kashyam for Pregnant Ladies from 7th Month

Home remedy for Arthiritis

Home remedy for dandruff / Paati Vaithiyam for dandruff

Home remedy for asthma

Home remedy for Sinus

Home remedy for sun tan and skin darkness

Treatment for sore throat - Home Remedies that gives quick relief

Kashayam - for cold and cough

Home remedies for premature greying of hair

Home Remedy for head lice | Naturally get rid of lice

Sleeping Problem | Insomnia | Home Remedies to fall asleep faster

Natural Remedies For Cold and congested nose
