Home remedy for dandruff / Paati Vaithiyam for dandruff

Gingelly oil (Nallennai) and lemon to get rid of dandruff

This is a very popular remedy for dandruff. Apply gingelly oil with lemon juice(1 tsp) on the scalp. Leave it for 1/2 an hour. Then wash it with shikakai or mild herbal shampoo. This when done every week for a month, will reduce dandruff.

Fenugreek seeds (Vendhayam) for dandruff

Soak fenugreek seeds(vendhayam) in sour curd overnight. Next day morning grind the fenugreek seeds and apply it over the scalp. Leave it for 20 – 30 minutes. Then wash it off. This will reduce the dandruff as well reduce hair fall. Note : fenugreek cools the body, so be careful not to keep it applied for long time. Also take care, when you are sufferng with cold or sinus problems.

Aloevera (Sottru katrazhai) and Fenugreek(Vendhayam)

Grind aloe vera and fenugreek into a paste and apply it on the scalp. Rinse your scalp after half an hour to get rid of dandruff. Note : Aloe vera and fenugreek cools the body, so be careful not to keep it applied for long time. Also take care, when you are sufferng with cold or sinus problems.

Get rid of dandruff with Coconut Oil

  • Mix up a spoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut oil. Instead of coconut oil you can use neem oil (if you can bear the smell of neem). Keep this mixture in a air tight container and use this oil to massage your scalp before going to bed. Practice this continuously for at least 15 days and feel the difference of your healthy scalp. After 15 days do it for alternate days for a month for the best of result.
  • Add a spoon of castor oil, mustard oil and little coconut or neem oil and massage your scalp every night. Have shampoo bath the next day. This is good remedy for dandruff

Kasa Kasa for dandruff

  • Take 2 teaspoons of kasa kasa (poppy seeds).
  • Soak this in milk for 2 hours.
  • Grind this into fine paste. Apply this paste on the scalp.
  • Leave it for 1 hours and then take bath. Do this home remedy continuously for 3 days for complete relief from dandruff.

Thulasi and Neam to cure dandruff

Thulasi Powder – 5 teaspoon
Neem leaf powder – 5 teaspoon
Lime juice – 2 teaspoon
Sour curd – 2 tablespoon
  • Mix all the above ingredients and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Then apply this mixture on the scalp and leave it on the hair for half an hour to 1 hour.
  • Apply mild herbal shampoo and wash your hair.
  • Do it twice a week to get rid of dandruff.
  • This is a very simple and more effective remedy for dandruff.
  • Instead of dry powder of thulasi and neem , you can also fresh leaves and do this remedy. It will be more effective and give better result than using the dry powder.

Fresh Neem Leaves as part of home remedy for dandruff

Wash a handful of Neem leaves and let them boil in a glass of water. Boil until the water reduces to half of its content.Cool and filter. Massage the scalp and hair with this concentrate and wait for half an hour before shampooing. This is a sure way of eliminating dandruff.

Simple Home remedies to get rid of dandruff

  • Mix 2-3 spoons of mustard oil with an equal quantity of lemon juice. This mixture is gently massaged on the scalp.After 10 minutes 5-6 spoons of curd is applied on the scalp and the hair is washed well. The dandruff disappears after a few trials .
  • Take 2 tablespoon of crushed neem seeds + 100 gm of mustard oil. Heat the oil along with the seeds. Heat until the seeds become black. Then cool and filter the oil. Applying this oil will gradually get rid of dandruff.
