Sleeping Problem | Insomnia | Home Remedies to fall asleep faster

The sleeping problem occurs in old age commonly. But due to stress, even at younger age many are facing this problem. It is always good to have a good sleep when you fall on bed. But most people are not gifted this way. There may be manyreasons that cause this problem. But there are always simple tips and tricks that can be done to make our body work for us. Here are some tips to get rid of sleeping problem.

  • Eat well in advance. There should be minimum 2 hours between your night meal and sleeping time.
  • Drink a cup of warm cow's milk with rock candy(panankarkandu) or honey before going to bed at night.
  • A cup of warm milk with half a pinch of saffron before going to bed will help in good sleep.
  • A cup of warm milk with a pinch of grated nutmeg is a natural remedy for sleeplessness.
  • Gently massage the soles of the feet with sesame oil. Rub oil into the scalp.
  • Keep your feet in a tub filled with warm water and salt. It will give you freshness. Do this before going to bed.
  • Keep your bedroom surroundings in a pleasant way.
  • Eat a banana before going to bed.
  • Do not watch TV in your bedroom. Keep TV away from your bedroom.
  • Hear some soothing music at bedtime. The music should be melodious or you can hear some spiritual chanting.
  • Try some affirmations at bedtime. Say “I will get good sleep today” 10 times before going to sleep.
  • If you have bad mood , try to get your mind calm by meditating before going to the bed. Bad mood will always disturb your sleep. It will also increase the sleeping problem.
  • If possible take a shower and fresh up yourself before going to the bed. Have some pleasant talc or perfume which will give some soothing effect for your mind.
  • Do not let any negative thoughts conquer you before going to the bed. Always think and be positive.
