Home remedy - cold and cough - babies upto 2

These simple remedy can be done at home for babies between 6 months and 2 years.

  • Take 1 spoon of saffron and make it into paste with little water. Apply it on the forehead and chest.
  • Put a betel leaf (vetriliai) on the chest and forehead of a child.
  • Add honey and tulsai juice and feed this to the child twice a day.
  • Apply tulasi juice on the forehead and chest of the child.
  • Take a thin peace of cloth. Add some omam(ajwain) and cloves. Heat the omam and cloves slightly. Now put this in the piece of cloth and tie the corners of the cloth. Leave this bag near baby.The smell from the heated mixture will ease the breathing of baby. Do not over heat the omam and cloves. Heat it lightly. There should not be too much smoke. Only light smell, you should get.

Remedy for kids above 2 years

  • Take 1 cup of wheat husk( thavidu). Heat the thavidu on a pan for few minutes. It should be warm enough so that it is bearable for your kid. First make sure that it is not too hot with your hand. Then put this thavidu on a piece of cloth and tie it. Then do the othadam on the chest of the child for 5 minutes.
  • Warm upper side of the betel leaves with the help of a vilakkku (vilakku with gingelly oil). Hold the betel leaves such that it is not very close to the flame. The leaf should not be burnt. Place the upper side of the leaf on the chest of the kid. Do this thrice a day.
  • Apply turmeric paste on the forehead.
  • Take juice of betel leaf. Warm this by keeping the container of betel leaf juice in a hot water utensil. Add a pinch of pepper powder and give a spoon of this to the kid.
  • Take black pepper. Fry this and grind it into fine powder. Take a pinch of this pepper powder, add honey and give it to the child.
