Home Remedy for headache

Home remedies with simple ingredients found in our kitchen for common head ache. These natural remedy will not have any side effects.

  • When suffering from headache, close the right nostril and breath through left nostril for 5 – 10 minutes. This will cure the head ache. This is a very simpleremedy for headache which can be done wherever we are, whether in office or any other places or during travel also.
  • Close the right nostril and breathe through left nostril.
  • Take a clean cloth. Wet the cloth with water. Strain the water. Then wrap the cloth around your neck.
  • Sometimes, too much of strain makes headache. So make it a habit to massage your scalp with oil(gingelly oil) and take a shower. This will relieve the tension.
  • Palming for your eyes will help to relieve tension in eyes and head. Sit comfortaly on a chair. Take a pillow and have it on your lap. Close your eyes. Keep both the palm on your both eyes. The palm should be in the form of a cup, so that it is not touching your eyes. You can rest your hand on the pillow. Do this palming for 20 minutes. It is always good for people who have more strain on their eyes.
  • For headache due to cold, take one teaspoon of coriander seeds in half cup of water. Let it boil until the water reduces to half. Now add jaggery to the liquid and drink it. This kashayam relieves the headache due to cold.
  • Garlic acts as a superb pain killer. Chew 3 pods of garlic. Do not swallow. Chew it as much as you can, so that the juice of garlic is absorbed well in the mouth region. This will relieve the headache.
  • For Headache due to gastric problem, take a cup of warm water. Add a spoon of lemon juice in it. Drink the liquid.
  • Most of the time, headaches occurs when we are hungry and we are not providing good food to our stomach. So eat properly to prevent headache.
  • Sometimes, dehyradation of our body causes headache. So drink plenty of water to prevent headache.
  • It is said that apple is rich in minerals and vitamins and helps in keeping us healthy. An apple a day will cure most of the diseases and also the headache.
  • Headaches are common among people who have more stress. The most important stress relieving activity is meditation and aerobic exercises. Do regular exercise and meditation to keep your mind and body healthy.
  • Mix Black tea with 2 lemon juices and drink it. It is best natural home remedy for headache.
  • Grind cinnamon(Pattai) with water to make it into a fine paste. Apply this paste on the forehead to cure headache in a natural way
