Home remedies for premature greying of hair

Premature greying of hair is most common problem faced by children and teen agers. This may be due to many reasons , to name the few reasons are hereditary, improper food habits, lack of healthy food, pollution due to air and water, using high chemical shampoos etc. There are remedies which can be tried at home to prevent and to reverse the premature greying of hair.

Nellikai and Kadukkai to prevent and reverse hair greying

This is an old traditional method of preparing oil to prevent, reverse and cure premature greying of hair. It is one of the method I read from an old magazine cutting. In that it was specified that it cures premature greying. But this method is little complex for this modern life. I have mentioned the method as I have read it.
One litre of Gooseberry(Nellikai, Amla) juice and one litre of fresh kadukkai/ Harithakai juice are mixed in a glass container. 100 gm of serankottai or semecarpus anacardium nut is cut to pieces and added to this mixture. This mixture is then transferred to a glass bottle and the lid closed tight. The bottle is buried in earth for one month.
After one month, the burried bottle is taken out and filtered. Two litres of pure coconut oil is heated and the filtered liquid is added onto coconut oil. The mixture is heated for sometime , but not boiled. Then cooled and filtered again and stored in a bottle.
Applying one teaspoonful of this oil on the scalp for hair growth and to cure premature greying of hair.

Curry leaves for premature greying and dizziness

Curry leaves (Karuveppilai) (about 250 gm) are ground to a fine paste and then moulded to small round flat forms and dried in shade.
Heat coconut oil of 1 kg and add this dried curry leaf cakes when the oil is about to boil. Once cooled, store the oil in a glass bottle. Regular application of this oil will gradually cure premature graying.
Curry leaves always has a fantastic role for hair growth. Eat one leaflet of curry leaves daily to get better hair growth and also to have thick black hair. Also, curry leaf powder can be taken along with rice.

Curry leaves, Henna leaves and Karisalankanni for hair

As much as the curry leaves, henna(maruthani) also plays a vital role in hair growth. Henna also helps in preventing and reducing hair fall to great extent.
Grind equal quantity of curry leaves(Karuveppilai), henna leaves(Marudhani ilai) and false daisy leaves (Karisalanganni ilai) into a paste and then moulded to small round flat forms and dry it in shade. Boil this cakes in coconut oil. Massaging the scalp regularly with the filtered oil gives good results on grey hairs.

Indian gooseberry for premature greying of hair

  • Indian gooseberry is a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. Cut the fruit into pieces and dry it, preferably in shade. Boil this pieces in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes like charred dust. This darkish oil is very useful against premature greying.
  • The water in which dried indian gooseberry pieces have been soaked overnight is also nourishing for the hair. This water should be used for the last rinse while washing the hair.
  • Massaging the scalp with a teaspoonful of indian gooseberry juice, mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lime juice for 10 minutes daily, also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of premature greying of hair.

Cow's Butter for hair

The butter made from cow?s milk has the property of preventing premature greying of hair. Massage the hair roots twice a week and a small roll may be taken internally.
