Vetrilai (Betel Leaves) Kashayam for cold and cough

1 Betel Leaf Ginger - 1/4 inch piece
Black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Tulsi leaves - 4 to 5
Water - 1 cup
Black Jaggery/Panai Vellam - 1 teaspoon if powdered

Method of preparing Vetrilai Kashayam

  • Just use your hands to make small pieces of betel leaves.
  • In a vessel, add a cup of water and add the betel leaves, crushed ginger, crushed black pepper, tulasi leaves.
  • Let the water boil until the content reduces to half.
  • Put off the stove and add the jaggery.
  • This kashayam gives a better relief for persons suffering from cold and cough.
  • For children, small quantity must be given.
