Murungai Kai, Murungai Illai - Health and Medicinal values

Tamil Samaiyal uses a lot of drumstick (murungai kai) in sambar, porial and kootu. 

The leaves of murungai (commonly called as murungai keerai) are rich in minerals and is used in tamilnadu cooking. It is rich source of vitamin C

Murungai keerai is also rich in Iron and so it is recommended for anaemic people and pregnant women. 

During pregnancy, murungai keerai is used daily. 

  • It is also said that that the soup of murungai keerai will reduce swollen foot during pregnancy.
  • Murungai keerai is rich in iron and calcium. 
  • Those having pain in the knee, when taking murungai keerai (in any form poriyal, kootu or soup) daily will see dramatic results in the knees. 
  • Juice of murungai ilai is best effective home remedy for high BP. Take the juice, filter it. Take 2 teaspoons of this juice in the morning and evening. Within 2 to 3 days, you can see a change in high BP.     
