Constipation Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Constipation

  • Take a glass of milk before going to bed.
  • Drink lemon juice prepared in warm water during the day.
  • Add half a teaspoon honey to half cup of water and drink it three times a day.
  • Wake up early in the morning and drink plenty of warm water or milk or both. Walk for half an hour.
  • Eat bananas (small) and drink lot of water throughout the day.
  • Take shallots(sambar venghayam). Saute this onion in villakennai(castor oil). Add this in hot rice and eat the rice. This is a good home remedy for constipation and Piles also.
  • Take equal amount of thumbai leaves, mint leaves and coriander leaves. Extract juice from the leaves. Filter it. Consuming 2 teaspoons of  this juice daily for 3 days will help in relieving constipation.
