Treatment for sore throat - Home Remedies that gives quick relief

How to treat sore throat at home?

Method 1
  • Take 2 green cardamom (elaichi or elakkai in tamil)
  • Remove outer skin of Cardamom
  • Powder it in a mixie. If the quantity is very less then you can do it in a mixie. Use a mortar and pestle to pound the cardamom. You can also powder the cardamom along with mishri and use the powder.
  • Add to milk and drink.
  • Drinking this milk before going to bed at night will gives faster relief. After consuming the milk do not consume any other food for 3 hours.
Method 2
Cardamom Powder in warm water is also good for dry tongue and thirst.
Method 3
Boil milk well. Add 10 pieces of powdered black pepper along with honey and turmeric powder. Before going to bed at night drink this slowly so that you must feel the hotness of black pepper in the throat.
Method 4
Cumin is a natural antiseptic and will help to soothe a scratchy throat, making it the perfect natural medicine for colds and flu.
Boil 1 cup of water and remove from heat before adding 1 tsp. of cumin and a large slice of ginger. Allow the decoction to steep for 20 minutes. Drink this 2 or 3 times a day. Make it fresh each time. Do not store it for long hours.
