Home remedy for Cold and Cough - with Herbs

Easy and Fast remedy for continuous cough at night

Often adults and children are being affected with cold. Because of this, we sometimes get continuous cough at night which will prevent us from having a good night sleep. A simple home remedy experienced by grandma is applying vicks on boththe palms along with wearing gloves on the hands and wearing socks covering the foot. Grandma found a great relief by doing this and she does whenever she gets affected with cold and cough. Grandma had good night sleep.

Home made Herbal Remedy For phlegm and cold

Common herbs found around us will help in relieving simple ailments. Our grannies used many herbs which were found in their period. But now, living in apartments and concrete flooring surrounding our houses, we do not find any useful herbs.But we should try to plant these herbs in small pots. Out of many herbs used by our grannies in their simple therapies, thoothuvalai is an important herb. The leaves of thoothuvalai are very effective for cold.
  • Clean the thoothuvalai illai.
  • Remove the thorns from the leaves.
  • Cut the leaves finely
  • Add 1 teaspoon of gingelly oil in a hot pan.
  • Saute the thoothuvalai leaves in the oil for few minutes.
  • Mix this with hot rice and eat it. This can be done continuously for 3 days to get relief from phlegm and cold.

Varattu Irumal - Dry Cough Remedy

Dry cough occurs mostly due to over body heat. To reduce the body heat and to get relieved from dry cough, here is simple remedy with the herbs.

Kadukkai and Sitharathai for Dry cough

  • Heat a mud pan and dry roast both the ingredients kadukkai and sitharathai in equal quantity. Note: Kadukkai seed must be removed. Only the outer part of kadukkai must be used.
  • Then make it into powder.
  • When there is dry cough, add a pinch of the powder in the mouth.
  • You will get relieved from dry cough.

Lemon and Honey for dry cough

  • Take a glass of water. Add juice of a medium sized lemon.
  • Add 2 tespoons of honey.
  • Drink it to reduce the dry cough.

Easy home remedies for cold and cough

  • To prevent being affected with cold and cough, add more cabbage  in your diet regularly.
  • Pepper powdered and sprinkled on guava can be taken to get some relief from chest phlegm.
  • As most of know, drinking  a glass of cow's milk with a pinch of turmeric powder will give a relief from dry cough.
  • Juice of 2 tulasi leaves added to breast milk and feed the infants affected with cold.
  • Hold an onion on a flame of Vilakku (Only gingerlly oil or castor oil ( Villakennai) must be used in vilakku). Eat the onion to get a better relief from cold and chest congestion.
  • Karpooravalli leaves must be added in boiling water. Put off the stove and let the water get cooled. Drink this water for 3 days. You could see the difference.
  • Karpooravalli leaves can be taken raw to get rid of cold.
  • Chitharathai - 250 gms, Adhi madhuram - 250 gms, turmeric - 50 gms, omam - 25 gms. Crush it and keep it in hot sun for 2 hours. Grind it in mixie, sieve it and take out the powder. This powder can be added to hot water or to hot milk before going to bed.
  • Make a cup of tea using ginger, clove, bay leaves or guava leaves,black pepper, sweeten with honey or (pana kalkand) and have it 2-3 times a day to get relief from common cold.
