Calcium Deficiency - Home Remedy to improve calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency can be corrected with some of the consumptions which will make the body to develop the system so that enough calcium will be absorbed by our body.

  1. Consume 1 glass of cow milk at night before going to bed. As milk is rich in calcium it will improve the calcium content of our body.
  2. In lunch make sure to finish your meals with butter milk or curd rice which is also rich in calcium.
  3. Another important remedy is take 10 ml each of amla juice, lemon juice and honey. Add enough water so that you don't get the sourness. Drink it atleast once in a day. Both amla and lemon are coolant, so listen to your body and act accordingly. If you feel that it is too much, then alter the consumption with alternate days until your body is capable of absorbing calcium as required.
