Home Remedies for Arthritis and Rheumatism

Toxic wastes can accumulate in weaker parts of body. Rheumatism causes severe pain at joints. The movement of limbs becomes heavy and painful. The pain at finger joints, knees and elbows become severe in the morning after a long sleep. In tamil all types of pain in joints called as "mootu vali".

Home remedies and tips to control arthritis and rheumatism pains

Fasting helps for arthritis
Yes. Fasting is one of the traditional method followed in India. It is followed as a spiritual rituals. But there is lots of science behind the fasting which were well understood by our ancestors and systematically scheduled according to the energy of the day. Now, we have completely forgotten about fasting. Fasting for a day will reduce imbalance and digestion gets back in shape. Much toxic waste will be eliminated this way. If you cannot fast for whole day, just do fruits fasting, that is take only fresh fruits for the whole day. Fruits will helps in pushing out the toxins from our body.
Cow ghee for arthritis remedy
When anyone says ghee must be added in diet, we look at them skeptically, because we have developed a conclusion that ghee is high fat diet and will increase the blood cholesterol.Have we not seen our grandmas and grandpas (Thatha and paati) use ghee liberally in their diet and they were healthy. Yes cow's ghee is good. Workout well to get rid of excess fat. There is a method on how cow's ghee must be used in our diet.
  • Add 4 spoons of melted cow's ghee in your daily diet.
  • The ghee should not be melted directly over the flame. But, it can be melted by keeping the container of the ghee in hot water or put the ghee in hot rice, so that it melts by itself from the heat of the rice.
  • Cow's ghee acts as a lubricant for the joints.
  • It refreshes the skin.
  • It gives special glow to our skin.
  • It is a good moisturizer from within.
Castor oil(Vilakennai) for arthiritis
Castor oil is also our traditional oil used by our ancestors for curing variety of ailments. Castor oil lubricates the joints, when applied externally on the joints. It gives strength to the bones.Apply castor oil(villakennai) on the painful joints may relieve the pain to some extent.
Mudakkathan keerai for arthritis and Rheumatism
In a pan and roast Urad Dhal, Pepper, Red Chillies, Garlic. Saute Mudakkathan keerai in a little oil. Grind it with salt in to a paste. Take it with idly or dosa.
  • Improves joint function.
  • Overcomes arthritis.
  • Tones up the blood circulation.
Home remedy for arthritis with urad dhal and boiled rice
50 gms ? sprouted urad dhal(mulai vitta ulundu)
100 gms ? boiled rice(puzhungal arisi)
Mix both the ingredients and cook this well (prepare it like kanji).
Take this twice a week. This will give improvement for arthritis. This is also good for girls during maturity. This also helps in strengthening the hip bone. Ulundu is good for strengthening hip bone. Sprouted urad dhal will have very good remedy.

Tips to prevent arthritis and to be healthy

  • Take lemon juice and honey in combo two times a day. This will push out the impurities from the body
  • Mix a tsp of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water. Take the drink twice a day.
  • Take coconut water, carrot juice, beet root juice, vegetables and fruits like pineapple on regular basis. Celery, beet, carrots, etc are good for managing arthritis pain.
  • Walk 30 minutes in the early morning. Follow other possible exercises like swimming.
  • Get eight hours of sleep at night. Don?t sleep in daytime.
  • Stay away from causes of stress and anxiety.
